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Celestial Magick – Astrology, Kabbalah and the Cosmos

From Astrology to Judaic Merkabah Mysticism, Celestial Magick has always had a place in our lives throughout history. People have used parts and texts from many different sources in modern witchcraft and Spell Work, like using named demons and angels to your bidding. A good In-depth look on the matter is in Book II from Three Philosophies of the occult.

Astrology is known to be around since at least the Middle to the Late Bronze Age. Used to predict astrological events and a person’s personality traits. The Maya, Hindus, and the Chinese built complicated systems for prophesying terrestrial events from celestial studies. Astrology often found itself being practiced like science and taught alongside medicine, alchemy, and meteorology.

There are many levels of understanding of Jewish Mysticism and they are highly guarded secrets within rabbinic rank in the Jewish religion.

Some important Jewish texts to check out are:

  • Book of Ezekiel
  • Sefer HaRazim
  • Maaseh Merkabah

Spell work uses Stars, Planets, Meteors, Asteroids, and other such celestial bodies as tools to assist in channeling Life Energy into their intentions that eventually manifest into reality. Time, alignment, visibility, and other variables are factored into Spells.

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