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Spells, Rituals And Magick, Oh My…..

It may come as a surprise that we are constantly casting spells in our everyday lives. This is just a small list, by no means complete, of spells people cast and might not realize what they’re doing.

  • Wish over birthday candles
  • Penny in fountain
  • Doodles a crushes name

Also, many people think Incantations and Spells are the same things. In fact, they are not. An Incantation is just a spell using only words, where Spells can be anything performed with Magickal Intentions.

A common misunderstanding is a great difference between magic and Magick. Magic is Magick but for entertainment purposes. So what you see depicted on TV and in theatres is Magic, on the other hand, Magick is referring to Spiritual Growth.

There was nothing Magickal about that magic show.

Fundamentally, Magick is the life force inside each one of us. This force has been described in many ways and called many things by different people in different places in time. Even though it has vastly different usage and visualizations, we believe it to be the same thing.

This Life force is best described as an energy that belongs to no one, can be used by anyone, and is within everyone and everything. This Energy connects us with everything that exists and this energy is within us all, a mirrored image of the expanse of the cosmos and all its glory, and troubles. As above, So below.

A good book to read is ‘Three Books of Occult Philosophy’. There are many editions and translations available for this book, even a fourth volume. Each edition has its own pros and cons, but we will leave that for another article. Essentially, the book breaks up the principals of magic into three categories.

Ceremonial Magick is usually a ritual performed by a head figure, group, or person. The power of ritual magic is the concentration on the intent of the Magick to fulfill the particular need. One of the benefits is with groups. Mass intent has the same effect of mob rule.

Celestial Magick is more common than you think. Ever read your horoscope, well that is astrology. It does get way more complex than that, to the point where it has become and been considered a science. Using the Cosmos and all its energy with our own can set the stage for some very earth moving Magick. This also happens to be the hardest magick to master.

Natural Magick is more known to be practiced by witches and warlocks. This Magick uses Herbs, Runes, Bones, Animals, Dolls, and candles. These are tools to help focus on our intent and to improve the aim and outcome of Spell.

A good example of using Life Energy is wanting something really bad but not willing to pay the market price for it. Imagine that item, for example, a Snow Blower. Imagine that Machine on the side of the road, with a sign on, that reads “Works – Free”. Then imagine you struggling to put that item in your car. It will fit, its just not going to be easy. Sometimes with this method, your Intentions and Energy manifest into reality. That is the story of how I got my Snow Blower, Weed Wacker, Air Compressor, Solar Panels, Generator, Lawn Mowers, and all kinds of crazy things.


It is important to remember, We already have what we need to Cast a Spell inside us. Tools just help us realize those intentions and channel that energy to manifest our wishes.

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